Keep on Smiling, Keep on Laughing
She has reached her 20th birthday.. Today she finished the last day of her teens, she suddenly had the urge to eat lolly pops and talk slang and try and reminisce over the years of being a teenger.
Now dont get her wrong her teenage years were far from happy, whos arent? , but she wishes she could just go back and tell the old her 'get over it, live your life and be happy and stop wishing to die all the time'.
The sad truth is shes still the same, shes still that lost girl that she was when she was 15, shes still crying over her looks, shes still worrying about the calories on that sweety she ate, but in so many other ways shes changed. She has now lost that niave perception of the world.. you know when ur dying to join the big bad world and then when u reach there u see how futile and meaningless it all is. You know when you think people are great by just one smile, and then u see its all lies behind every person is a sea of untruths, evil and nastiness.
She carries on smiling, she carries on laughing but its just a fascade just like life is, everyday people are laughing and smiling around you but after a while you see that the one with the biggest smile on her face is carrying the most pain, the one who laughs the loudest also cries the loudest.
What are her plan they ask? Pause... smile ... laugh
She carries on smiling, she carries on laughing but its just a fascade just like life is, everyday people are laughing and smiling around you but after a while you see that the one with the biggest smile on her face is carrying the most pain, the one who laughs the loudest also cries the loudest.
What are her plan they ask? Pause... smile ... laugh
Life is changing all around her but sometimes somethings never change .... Shes still the same girl she was when she was 15
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