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Thursday, May 05, 2005

Britain Goes to the Polls

Everyone's buzzing today .. it was a very important day the 2005 General Elections!!Its quite obvious Labour will win however the issue is by how much and also will Tony Blair stay on as Labour leader!! Personally i think Gordon Brown lacks Tony Blairs charisma and speaking skills so I'm kinda hoping Tony will stay!! but who knows???

As for Micheal Howard i dunno he just annoys me there is just something unlikable about him dont u think? The problem with the conservative party is that they never learn and they always have the same leader but with a different face lol.

As for Lib dems.. well can they be seriously taken as a 3rd party?? Do they make an impact ?? Some say they do and indeed if allied with the conservatives they could swing votes their way but i think they would have ideology issues with them so forget that!The worrying thing about the lib dems is that they seem to have alot of support on the back of being the 'Anti-war party' whether that will be reflected in the polls is yet to be seen. Im wondering if Sarah Teather keeps her seat in 'Brent East' (look below to see her picture)!! Last time i saw her she said she was campaigning hard so who knowss!!!

I think voting is a very important issue because in some countries some people especially women are fighting to get their voices heard.. so its kinda sad when in western countries people take their democracy for granted and dont bother 2 vote!!!

As for me and my family ... 2day they made their way to the school nearby in the constituency of 'Brent North' and they casted their votes ... As for me :( i wasnt registered to vote and never got a ballot card!! By the time i figured it out it was too late ... I hate Brent council!!!!

Latest Update .. Labour has kept hold of their seat in Sunderland south!! (Curtusy of BBC Desktop score)


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