Free For Life

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Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Saudi Arabia bans forced marriage

'Saudi Arabia's top religious authority has banned the practice of forcing women to marry against their will.'

I have one thing 2 say about the above quote and that is: ABOUT BLOODY TIME!!!

What kind of islam do these people practice??? Thousands of years after the prophet told people that forced marriage are outlawed these ppl just woke up 2 it now!! (Similar to the law that Iran Govt introduced a couple of months ago banning torture in prisons when it is already outlawed in Islam!!)

'The ban is a significant victory for women's rights in Saudi Arabia, where females face a range of restrictions.'

Loool 'a range' or complete restrictions they cant vote they cant drive they have absolutely no voice in this country! Women are not treated liked 2nd class citizens cos even that would be something they are treated like absolute nothing!!!

The saudi govt is extreamly rich yet approximately 3/4 of the population live in absolute poverty !!!???? Why??!! They have so much money but they only know how to use it to fill their stomachs and increase the number of mercedes they have!

A normal ruler would want a prosperous country in which everyone was above the absolute poverty line! A country which embraced education and human rights! Obviously not these people!

When r these ppl gonna learn....

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